BARK! Yep, that’s right, Pup does indeed Happen! It happens in the streets, it happens in the sheets, in a town, underground, in the air, over there, on a plane, in a train, on a boat, probably in a moat, in the car, with a guitar, down stairs, up stairs, everywhere-s!
🤔… Did I seriously just type that? … … yep, it checks out… totally on brand 🤪
Pup Happens
So, what does this mean? Well, it can honestly mean a whole lot of things. Pup Happens, is whatever happens because Pup! It’s happening right now while I write this blog… it’s happening again while you’re reading it… it’s anything that’s happening when someone is engaging in Puppy Play; as a Pup or a Handler, or even as another human critter.
Pups do all kinds of things… they drink drinks, scarf foods, socialize, converse, mosh, go for walkies, go for a run, go for a drive… exactly what’s happening, when it happens and what’s involved; is really up to each individual.
Occasionally, a human pup/pet/critter gets themselves into a bit of trouble… maybe they crossed a line, maybe they knocked something over, maybe they spilled… trouble can be a lot of different things; it’s normal, we’re all human after all, and as humans we all make mistakes from time to time.
However, every so often the pup/pet/critter might just try to blame the trouble they got into on their headspace… as if having entered into headspace absolves one of the responsibility for their actions. It’s not terribly common, though, when it does happen the entire community tends to hear about it.
Reality Check
That’s right… reality… *growls*
I know, I know… Reality?!? YUCK! The inconvenient truth, however, is that Reality is Real… yup, I went there: Facts Are Facts. Booooooooooo
But seriously… we are all responsible for our own actions, and there’s nothing to absolve oneself of that responsibility. If I knock somebody’s drink over, I knocked their drink over… and it’s important that I take ownership of that mistake and make an effort to rectify the situation.
If this all sounds pretty self explanatory… and you’re thinking something along the lines of “DUH!”… well, that’s because it really is simple, self explanatory, and a NO DUH kind of situation. However, there are a very small few in the community who believe that when they are expressing their Pupspace (Pup Headspace… or substitute other headspace title), that they are no longer responsible for their actions… because: “I’m just a dog, I don’t know any better.”
Yeah, I know… it’s a total face-paw moment… but it’s also a moment in which the rest of us need to do something. It’s important for the community as a whole, that we do not tolerate or enable this level of irresponsible behavior. So, what can we all do to help? Here’s a few things that come to mind:
First, and foremost, if you bear witness to such a situation… be sure to call that shit out! You don’t have to go all crazy, but make it known that you witnessed what happened and that the individual responsible is, in fact, responsible for their actions.
But wait… what if I’m a bit too shy to actually call someone out like that?
No problem! Look for someone in charge and bring it to their attention. Find a community leader, an authority figure, or even just someone who might be more able to handle the job. Chances are, someone is gonna be around to offer assistance.
Next, check in with the person(s) who were the victim of the wayward pup (or critter). It could certainly do the community a lot of good if someone were to step in and check on the person affected by the irresponsible actions. For example: If a drink spilled on someone, offer to get them a napkin.
Wait wait wait wait wait… why is it suddenly my responsibility?
Well, it’s not… but, is it really so difficult to show some human compassion and be a friendly individual? It doesn’t cost anything to be friendly… and, even such a small action as offering to get someone a napkin can go a long way to preventing one wayward pup from casting the entire community in a bad light.
Why is this so important?
Well, as I touched on in the last little blurb… one bad interaction can cast an entire community in a bad light… and that’s not fair to the community. In this day and age, we are under constant scrutiny. Social Media outlets like Instagram and Facebook are targeting the Kink Community more heavily than the heteronormative community; disabling and even deleting entire accounts, in some cases without the slightest provocation (rule breaking). Even at events like PRIDE, Kinksters of all sorts find themselves under scrutiny, and sometimes even attack, for being there… often being declared as “Inappropriate” or not “Family Friendly.”
Now, what does this have to do with taking personal responsibility? While there are definitely elements of society that are just out to push the world back towards religious “Family Values” and “conservative ideals”… and our communities will always be under attack in some way from those elements; it doesn’t hurt to work to check our own community and make sure we’re being good neighbors.
Hold up, take a beat… let me be clear: NO, I am NOT asking any of you to tone down what you’re doing.
Ok, cool… what do you suggest then?
What I’m suggesting, is that it’s not a terrible idea to take responsibility for your actions. Let’s go over just a few examples:
Posting Pornographic Content:
YES PLEASE! DO IT! BY ALL MEANS! (horny dog is horny)
That said… maybe do it on a platform that’s built for that kind of content. Facebook and Instagram have NEVER been spaces for pornographic content… Thirsty AF content, absolutely! (check their TOS and stay just inside their box)
But… maybe take the wonderful pornographic stuff over to a platform for that… Twitter is “ok” with it (for now… be sure to follow their rules), Pornhub & xTube literally live for that. So, maybe just think a little about where you’re posting that sexy nude, before you post it.
Being Naked in Public:
Also, again… YES PLEASE!
But… (there’s always a butt)… be MINDFUL OF LOCAL LAWS! Don’t go being naked in a space where it’s not allowed, and then be indignant when you’re arrested.
In Seattle, for instance, it’s perfectly legal to be naked in most public spaces (but not public parks… yeah, is weird, but… that’s Seattle… lol)
You can NOT, however, be “lewd”… what does that mean? Well, if you have a penis, you should not be erect if you’re nude in public… if you’re a human puppy, that means no insert-able tails in public… inserting a device into yourself is a sex act (legally speaking) and as such, wearing such a tail in public while naked would be illegal… because that’s how Seattle Laws are.
So… be COGNIZANT of the LAWS that apply to you in your area.
Wearing a Pup Hood/Mask in Public:
OMG YES! Always wear your face when you want to wear your face… … except when you shouldn’t.
Holy crap that’s contradictory! Yep, but also no… just use common sense.
It’s perfectly appropriate, for instance, to wear your pup hood most anywhere you go… however, (if you say the word “comma” when reading that… you’ll enjoy this even more)
However ,
It would not be advisable to wear a Pup Hood/Mask into an airport… into a government building… into a police station… even into some stores. There are just some spaces where it would just be inappropriate to wear a mask of any kind, due to the sad reality we live in. So… just use your common sense and good judgement… and, failing that, just ask someone! Worst case, they say “no, no masks allowed” and then you’ve got your answer.
Some of these places… it might be inadvisable to wear your mask on the way in… but it may be perfectly ok to wear it around inside the space. I have a good friend, for instance, who’s taken their hood with them to the airport… and worn the hood after reaching their gate, or after boarding the plane, to take some fun photos to share. I’m certain, however, that they did NOT wear the hood through security… because, again: DUH!
Don’t act a fool… but if you do, Own that shit!
If you spill a drink, bump into someone, tackle someone too hard, or otherwise make some kind of mistake… OWN IT! Take responsibility for your actions… APOLOGIZE! It’s super easy… *spills drink* “oops, sorry”
See… EASY!
Just own up to your mistakes, and take steps to make amends *cleans up spill*
In summation: Don’t be Stupid, Stupid! (Yep, I quoted Philip DeFranco again… but, relevance!)
Take responsibility for your actions!
Don’t tolerate someone trying to absolve themselves of responsibility for their actions.
Be a good neighbor… *wags*
Those of us who identify as one human critter or another, be it Pup or Kitty or Dragon or Wolf or Snek… or otherwise… remember, you are a HUMAN first… so be cognizant of your actions and take responsibility. Don’t let a small mistake cast a bad light on the entire community.
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