Puppy Play is for Everyone


I’ve heard and read a lot of comments from all over, expressing this belief, that Puppy Play is for Everyone… I’ve even heard it extended to the wider Human Critter world (Human Critters = Animals of ALL kinds + Fantasy Beasts). However, this statement is often followed by a “BUT”… and while I do like a good Butt; there is simply no But’s about it when it comes to Puppy, Kitty, Pony, Other Animal or whatever your self expression might be.

For the remainder of this article, I’ll simply refer to Puppy Play for simplicity of writing and because how I identify is as a Human Puppy… but understand, my comments and beliefs apply to ALL forms of Human Critter expression… not just Puppy Play.

But… what about (insert descriptor)?


A lot of people, like to add a BUT to the equation of who may or may not legitimately engage in Puppy Play. The fact of the matter, however, is that Puppy Play is for EVERYONE! Literally, anyone who so desires; may be a Puppy.

One common BUT I’ve heard several times is: “except for criminals.”

Well… whether someone has been convicted of a crime or not; that really doesn’t exclude them from identifying as a Human Puppy and engaging in Puppy Play. It really doesn’t matter what the crime may (or may not) have been… the fact is, is that they may absolutely express themselves as a Human Puppy. Whether someone has committed a crime in their past or not, is simply no reason for them to be excluded from the Human Puppy Lifestyle.

Some other common BUT’s I’ve heard (or read) expressed include (but are not limited to):

  • They aren’t puppy enough to be a Pup

  • They have to have an Alpha/Handler/Trainer/Sir/Daddy/(insert dom here) to be a Pup

  • They’re not submissive enough to be a Pup

  • They’re too tall/short/thin/thick to be a Pup

  • They’re not masculine/male/gay enough to be a Pup

Fuck that noise


No seriously… fuck ALL of that noise. The self expression of oneself as a Human Puppy is limited only by that same individuals own self identification and imagination. There is literally no reasonable manner in which someone else may decide if or in what manner another may identify as such.

I really mean this… the individual expression of oneself as a Human Critter of one kind or another is not subject to the approval or even acceptance of anyone else on this earth. If you feel that you identify as a Human Puppy… congratulations and welcome! You’re a Human Puppy! *wags*



No, no but’s about it… someone identifies as a Human Puppy; then yes, they are a Human Puppy. That said, identifying as a Human Puppy does not absolve one of their past (or present) actions. Each and every one of us comes with a backstory, often called “Baggage.” This baggage is a part of the fabric of each of our lives; it is the history of how we came to arrive at this moment in time; and can not be waved away at the wag of a tail, boop of a nose, cute little bark, doling out of treats, giving of scritches, or any other such Puppery.

Your past, may not prevent one from expressing oneself as a Human Puppy… but it absolutely could affect how the rest of the Human Puppy community may (or may not) desire to interact with you.

We are not immune to or divorced from our past actions. However, if you happen to be someone with a more interesting past than perhaps others you encounter; all is NOT lost! A past… whether defined through social reputation or by the legal system… is essentially a breach of trust with those around you. Trust, is a monumental thing to break; and it is one of the most challenging things to earn back from others; however, it CAN be earned back!

Ok… so… what can I do if this applies to me?


If you happen to be someone who has broken the trust of the community in some way… all is not lost. It’s a long process, it wont happen overnight, and not everyone is guaranteed to accept that you will not repeat past indiscretions; but if you put in the hard work you can show others that you have grown from your mistakes.

I don’t like to use the word “change” or to otherwise indicate that someone in this situation is somehow now a different person… because that wouldn’t be quite accurate. Nobody is suddenly a different or new person simply because they aren’t repeating their past actions… they are instead someone who has learned from their past and grown to interact with society, the community, their peers, etc. in a different manner.

The only way to show the rest of the community that you have grown, is to prove it through action. By not engaging in past negative behaviors, others will begin to see the personal growth you’ve experienced and over time will begin to understand that you will not be repeating those past mistakes. Through those actions, and through choices to NOT engage in those past negative actions, you will find that your social reputation begins to be refreshed.

One personal suggestion I’d like to offer to anyone who might have some kind of past to work through… whether that’s a social reputation or one that involves the legal system… Own it.
Owning up to, accepting, and being honest with others about your past can go a long way towards repairing the social reputation you may be struggling with.
While I can’t possibly know what your history might have been, what struggles you may be dealing with, or how scary/challenging it might be to work through the social implications of your past; what I DO know, is that if you try to hide &/or deny your past it will come across to those around you as a lie; and will absolutely cause another break in social trust.
Just a thought to consider for anyone who might be working through issues of repairing social trust.

As I said… breaking trust with others is one of the biggest indiscretions that you can commit… it’s really what the basis of social expectations and the criminal justice system are based on; whether or not you can be TRUSTED to engage in socially acceptable manners with the rest of society. Breaking that, means working hard to show that you’ve learned and grown and will not be repeating those mistakes.

To review: Puppy Play is for EVERYONE!


For real, it actually is for EVERYONE. Regardless of your past or what others may think. If you feel that you are a Human Puppy, then you are! It’s really that simple. However, if you do have a past that brings a reputation with it… then you may find you have some work to do to repair the social trust and be able to engage with and find acceptance within the wider Human Puppy Community.

For those of you who may encounter someone who does have a past… please keep in mind that people do have the ability to learn and grow from their past. While it’s perfectly understandable to have concerns about someone who’s broken the social trust in some way; please consider giving them the benefit of a clean slate… if you see someone truly working hard to repair their reputation, consider being someone who might offer them a chance to show that they have learned and grown from the past.


Beta to Alpha Pup Gadget, SEA-PAH #366, Cubby Seattle Pupper in Seattle