Farrstriders’ Pup Hood - Gear Review — Pup Farrstrider

Farrstriders’ Pup Hood - Gear Review

Right off the batt, I wanna let you know:

  1. yes - I am an affiliate with the Mr-S-Leather Company 
  2. no - I was not asked to write this, nor am I required to write anything specific.  The opinions in this piece are mine and written of my own volition 🐾
Farrstrider being a goofy pupper in his hood

Farrstrider being a goofy pupper in his hood

My Hood 

I am literally IN LOVE with my hood from Mr-S!  No joke!  I spent weeks deciding on what I wanted my hood to look like, and from the moment it arrived it’s become one of my most sacred possessions... so sacred in fact, that I don’t allow anyone to wear it besides myself! 

Now, I know not every Pup is quite as possessive of their hood as I am; and that’s great!  I sometimes find myself wishing I had an alternate to allow the curious hoomans to try out... maybe someday 😜

So, what exactly is my Hood?  I purchased a Custom Neoprene Puppy Hood from the Mr-S-Leather Company in San Francisco.  I love their “ready-to-go” hoods, but I was set on personalizing my hood.  I used textured neoprene on the outer ears & brow ridge... which transfers scritches so nicely to the scalp *wags* ... as a Camo Pupper I used their camo neoprene on the muzzle & inner ears and elected for a sleek black on the rest of the hood.

Mr-S offers a great selection of hoods to choose from, and the ability to order custom colors as well!  Have a custom design in mind?  You can work with the amazing design team to come up with an even more customized look! 

Farrstrider... instagramming again 🤪 

Farrstrider... instagramming again 🤪 

My Opinion  

As mentioned... I FREAKIN LOVE my Hood!  No, for realsies! *WAGS* 🐶🐾

My Hood is an incredibly important part of who I am as a Human Puppy.  When I wear my hood I feel my most puppy elf.  My headspace can get deeper, my mannerisms become more instinctual... the other night I was just chillin on the couch watching tv when I saw one of our cats being naughty, yet, I couldn’t make the words; next thing I knew, I barked at the cat to alert my HusCub!  Pupspace had set in deeper than I’d realized, and it was all because of my hood.

Now, I know Pupspace is subjective to every Pup, but there are many other benefits to discuss 🐾



 The hoods that Mr-S makes are, simply put, works of art.  The craftsmanship & attention to detail are off the charts!  And, they really do stand behind their products (story to come).

My hood is super comfortable to wear!  I worried about the snugness of the neoprene, but it breathes really well and while it is snug, it feels more like a second skin than a constricting item... maybe it’s why I’m so possessive of my hood, but it really is just an extension of myself when it’s on.

Incredible Customer Service 

Ok... we’ve all been there... we buy something special and life happens and... um... “oh-shit.” 

Well, I had a “nearly oh-shit” experience with my hood.  The neoprene along the eye socket over the nose is fairly thin... unavoidable in design.  Well, one side of my eye socket started to show signs of wear that appeared to be nearing a tear or break.

Obviously this distressed me.  I spoke first with my Alpha, Pup Gadget, to get his advice and insight.  After seeing my hood, he recommended sending it back in to be reinforced.  So, like a good puppy, I reached out to Mr-S to explain what was happening & see what to do.

They invited me to send the Hood in for inspection & repairs as needed.  I’m not gonna lie... I was very distressed over the prospect of being without my hood for... well... I wasn’t sure how long.  But, I was more worried about what would happen if it did break. 

So, I packed my Hood gently into a box and sent it back to Mr-S.   I was a bit of a wreck while it was gone... it felt like I had been separated from a piece of myself... I didn’t feel quite whole.

Lucky for me, they were able to squeeze my Hood in for a very quick reinforcement of the sockets and send it right back!  It may have felt like forever, but in reality it was back in my hands exactly 1 week after I’d shipped it out 🙌🐾 

So much excite!🐾 

So much excite!🐾 


When you’re ready for the good stuff 

Daddy Tony, from the No Safe Word Podcast, always says “Mr-S, when you’re ready for the good stuff”... and he’s absolutely right!

The quality of materials & craftsmanship at Mr-S is second to none.  They not only make good products, but they stand behind them too!  In addition to that, they also carry a great variety of quality products from some incredible brands in the Kink, fetish and sexual product industries!

There are some other great brands and stores out there; there’s even a fantastic store here local to me in Seattle!  But, there’s only one Mr-S-Leather Company.  If you find yourself needing some lube or interested in some new gear or toys; please check out the incredible selection by using my link below (or those throughout the post above).

Awrufff wrufff wrufff! 🐶🐾 

My Affiliate Link:   https://www.mr-s-leather.com/?acc=farrstrider



Beta to Alpha Pup Gadget, SEA-PAH #366, Cubby Seattle Pupper in Seattle

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