Puppery in Public — Pup Farrstrider

Puppery in Public

To Pup, or not to Pup?

One of my favorite things about being a Human Puppy is that there are no rules... everyone is free to Pup however they like and become the best Pup that they can be 🐾 

But... what about Pupping in Public Spaces? 

Farrstrider enjoys going for car rides

Farrstrider enjoys going for car rides

​Are there rules after all?

When I say “Public Spaces” I’m not talking about our favorite bars & Kink-friendly spaces, I mean Public Spaces​, for instance: Parks, the local mall or any other favorite place you and others might regularly go.

I would still say there probably aren’t any “rules”... so much as some general guidelines for safely Pupping in Public.​


So, what would these guidelines be?  To quote one of my best friends and favorite Hoomans: “Make good choices!”  Consider where you’re going and ask yourself, is this appropriate?​

Farrstrider drove to the Grocery store and back home... but removed his hood to Shop in the grocery store. 

Farrstrider drove to the Grocery store and back home... but removed his hood to Shop in the grocery store. 

For instance:​ in the social climate we currently find ourselves... I’m sorry to say that it’s probably not the best idea to show up to the average local Shopping Mall wearing your hood.  Why?  Well, simply put it may not be a safe choice to make.

It really does just come down to making good choices.  If you’re going to Pup in a Public setting, intentionally or not, you’re representing both yourself ​and the Pup community as a whole... and the rest of us would really appreciate a good impression.

Parks are a perfect setting.  It’s a non-threatening space to wear your gear... please be mindful of public decency... I mean, I love seeing a nice Pupper Butt, but don’t get yourself arrested because your butt was hanging out... time & place.​


​So... Public Puppery?

The long and short of it:​

  1. Make Good Choices​
  2. Time & Place​
  3. Be Respectful ​

Go for it!  Have fun expressing ​yourself as Pup in a Public Setting! 🐾


Beta to Alpha Pup Gadget, SEA-PAH #366, Cubby Seattle Pupper in Seattle

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