Bark bark, bark bark bark, bark bark bark, bark bark bark bark bark… awruff! *wags*
Barking all about it is hard... sometimes I can't really think of what to write about. Right now, i have a lot I'd like to write about, but I can't get the words to come out... so, I decided to write about how difficult doing a blog can be instead.
Don't get me wrong... I actually enjoy this. There's just a myriad of things going on in the real world presently that just make it difficult to really sit down and have something concise and organized to say. There's no point in writing a jumble of words that only half-way make sense just to put something out there... so, I haven't written a blog the past two weeks. But here we are, on week three.
I look forward to talking about Pup & Pack Dynamics and inter-pup relationships in the near future. I have all the thoughts, they just wont organize themselves today to come out in a concise or consistent manner.
I also look forward to writing posts that are intended to be educational, pulling from my own experiences as a Puppy in Training and as a Puppy Trainer. I may be young, as Human Puppies go... but I've spent a great deal of time this past year educating myself. My experience in Puppy Play has been AMAZING, and I want to be able to share that amazing experience with others! I've had a small paw-full of wonderful experiences flexing my trainer muscles (so to speak), and I really look forward to putting paw to keyboard and sharing my thoughts and ideas with you all soon! I also hope for that to become an ongoing series of posts; and something that could be the groundwork for other things to come in the future.
Something else to keep an eye & ear out for in the near future: I'll be doing a Live Story-Time Reading... I have a very special book that I'm very excitied to share with you all... I hope it's every bit as pawewsomely ridiculous and silly as I intend for me reading it to be *wags*
Anyhow... Stay tuned for things to be coming down the pipe. Some of the real life craziness is going to be slowing down a little soon; and I think I'll be able to get my head back on track and moving myself in the right directions!
In the meantime, don't forget to follow along right here on the Blog as well as on my Social Media Spaces: Instagram, Facebook Profile, Facebook Page, Twitter or Tumblr! Also, if you enjoy what I'm doing, don't forget to check out my Affiliate Partners: Mr-S-Leather & Fort Troff